Board of Directors
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Board of Directors




Dr. Michel saint Joy was born and raised in Haiti.  She migrated to the United States in 1989. She always wanted to empower women and children. As a social change agent, her goal is to provide opportunities for women to end the cycle of poverty and becoming financially independent through job trade program.


Dr. Juna Michel Saint Joy is a clinical psychologist.  She earned a doctorate in 2013 Clinical psychology from Walden University. After receiving her masters in general psychology, Juna started working as a psychotherapist at Lifespire from 2001 to 2007.  She began working at Independent Living Association from 2007 to 2013 as a residential psychologist.  She is currently providing behavioral consultation through Advocates at DDS Brockton MA as a behavioral consultant.  She provides behavioral consultation and support to individuals at risk of losing their day or residential placement due to challenging behaviors.  She conducts a routine assessment, training and monitoring may be scheduled outside of usual business hours.


Marlhene Valeus


Marlhene Valeus is a clinical social worker. It is an honor to be part of this organization.  She migrated to the United States when she was young, but she is well aware of the dire need to empower women and children in Haiti. Haitian women are reliable, hardworking and resilient. She will do whatever she can to help empower these women. She is looking forward to beginning this journey with them.


Jhon Bolivar


He Lives in Boston, Massachusetts a Support Worker, currently working for the Department of Developmental Service (DDS) and volunteers at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). He has over ten years experience working in the human services field. Jhon graduated from the Catholic University of Santo Domingo with a bachelor degree in business administration. He also graduated from Massasoit Community College with an associate degree in human services and now working on his master degree at Bridgewater State University in Psychology.

Board Members


Collete Limage



My name is Collette Michel Limage. I joined the organization to empower women in my community. I teach women how to sew dresses and clothing. I believe that teaching women sewing and embroidery skills, will create an outlet and job opportunities to support their children.


Claudette Saint Cloud, MSW


Long Island, NY

My Name is Marie Claudette St Cloud.  I am working in this field of social services, which has provided me with the opportunity to pursue my career and earned a master’s degree in Clinical Social Work.   I believe by utilizing my newfound skills, and I will be able to promote social change, empowerment, freedom, and enhance the well being of others. As a Clinician, my expectations in the field would be to demonstrate compassion while retaining a high level of professionalism merely. In this line of work, I plan to practice in an unbiased matter; after all, we do live in a diverse community. It is essential that I apply my critical thinking skills to communicate well with varieties’ of agencies, social work experts, and politicians to promote the well being of the public and bring relief to those in need. Also, my long-term goal will be to participate in the development of a program that serves as an aid to those afflicted by the trauma associated with the natural disaster in Haiti.


Myrdeline Limage


My name is Myrdeline Limage. I’m an accountant. I choose to participate in the organization because I believe that children are the future of the world and that every child has a future, I enjoy working with children, coaching them and helping them to prepare for their future.


Roodlin Jean Baptiste


My name is Roodlin Jean Baptiste. I am an accountant and economist. I see in every child a dream for a better world. I joined this organization to help the children prepare for better tomorrow.


Daniel Michel


Brockton, MA

My name is Daniel Michel. I chose to participate in this organization because I felt
the mission statement of this organization align with my belief. I always wanted to
give back to my community.


Chedlor Limage



My name is Chedlor Limage. I have come to the organization primarily to help
women and children in communities which they live as they are the most vulnerable
populations. In addition to children, they symbolize the hope of tomorrow. Women
are the pillars of society.


Boyer Jean Seggerson



Engineer in Electrical Engineering and Diploma in Management. Computer. Technician in electoral matters. I worked for 10 years at the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) as chief inspector. Douanier and coordinator of the crisis program. Two years at the OAS as National Coordinator in charge of coordinating electoral activities. A year at PAH (pharmacy humanitarian aid) logistician responsible for materials and medicines for the protection of cholera in Haiti.